Backup Communications While on the Island of Grenada - ZELLO Free application
I have received many contacts about trips to Grenada from my Brothers/Sisters and fellow Amateur Radio operators.
First the island Grenada🇬🇩 is a very safe peaceful island 🏝 and expect the time of your life with enjoyment.
ZELLO Free application ( Real-Time voip )
From a logistics stand point I feel it is in the best interest to setup in advance the FREE application on an Apple or Android device. ZELLO on a Laptop or phone or tablet application. Understanding our primary focus will be amateur radio operations. We need to have contingency plans to stay in communications with those “Back home”. Using this FREE WIFI multi platform application why not.
Your Son, Daughter, Sister, Brother etc can communicate with you FREE over WIFI from your Hotel. NOTE: turn off your mobile data plan so no data cost will be incurred.
ZELLO is not Amateur Radio license dependent. Open user access
So lets test the tool out in advance weeks before with your contacts. Everyone setup and happy using, thats “gravy”
USE with WIFI and a Laptop, Mobile Apple/Android or a Tablet.
The channels listed below with the words “GRENADA” can and will be audited for abuse by. The Grenadian guy.
ZELLO Free application
GRENADA🇬🇩 Amateur Radio Society
Grenada W.I. Amateur Radio - contact ZELLO
check you cellular mobile phone app store.
ZELLO app (Android or IOS) - voice VOIP chat - voice contact :: Local conversations
Grenada W.I. Amateur Radio - contact ZELLO
check you cellular mobile phone app store.
ZELLO app (Android or IOS) - voice VOIP chat - voice contact :: Local conversations
The channels listed in the image can have multiple collaborative multi discussions. Its like the Motorola “MIC application” or walkie-talkie with a push to talk interface.
After installing from your device application store.
- within the application, one can search for many subjects or search for the subject channels shown.
Examples shown - Different channels
PTT with wifi
PTT with wifi
Grenada W.I. Amateur Radio - contact ZELLO
check you cellular mobile phone app store.
ZELLO app (Android or IOS) - voice VOIP chat - voice contact :: Local conversations
Existing Support
ADMIN usernames:: GrenadaAn.dre, VE3.SP, VA.3AGV, VE.3W.ZW